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Quality Grading Scheme

The Quality in Tourism Grading Scheme

Visit England - The National Tourist BoardAs part of our continuing commitment to quality, The Wyvern Shipping Company is a member of the scheme run by British Marine Inland Boatinghttps://www.britishmarine.co.uk/membership/associations/british-marine-inland-boating-association in partnership with Visit England, which produces the quality grading in a similar way as it does for hotels. The scheme is designed to help you choose the right boat for your needs. Under this scheme, all our boats are annually inspected and graded by a Quality in Tourism Inspector, according to strict criteria laid down by Visit England.

Not all narrow boat companies have their boats inspected under this scheme and, therefore, may not be of the same standard of comfort and cleanliness as our boats.

The one to five stars indicates the amount of space and range of facilities and equipment per person. 'Coral has all the facilities of a 5 star boat but not the space if crew sleep in the saloon.

Visit Britain are pleased to announce that all our boats for 2021 have met the quality standards set and therefore gained the classification of either three, four or five stars. Please view our individual boat pages under Our Boats for each boat's classification.